Hearing Care
The Melbourne Hearing Care Clinic is committed and devoted to offering evidence-based, patient-centered, and clinically best practice services to its patients. With no affiliation or partnership with manufacturers, clinician recommendations on device brands are purely based on their professional judgement.
Rehabilitation programs can involve the fitting of hearing devices, depending on findings from the clinical assessment. This clinic also provides additional rehabilitation services that do not focus on hearing devices.
All audiologists are University qualified members of Audiology Australia, and strictly abide by the Audiology Australia code of conduct.
Cost: The main services provided along with a medical referral are bulk billed through Medicare. However, there will be a once off clinical fee for all the new patients (except for VIHSP referred babies or Healthcare card holders).
DIagnostic Hearing Assessment
A full diagnostic hearing assessment, offered to all individuals
(from newborns to adults)
Hearing Loss Management
Provides education and guidance on appropriate management pathways for loss of hearing.
Hearing Aid Fitting & Evaluation
Provides fitting and selection services for new hearing aids. Additionally, an evaluation service is available for patients with existing hearing aids to ensure optimal functioning and appropriateness.
Balance Disorders Unit
This unit specializes in treating individuals with balance issues and/or those that suffer from dizziness.
Tinnitus Service
Individuals with Tinnitus will be provided with a personalized intervention regime and taught strategies for self-management.
Auditory Processing Unit
This unit specializes in identifying any difficulties or issues in interpreting the sounds a person hears, in the account of having a normal hearing condition.
Autism Clinic
This clinic examines your child’s listening skills on a specific spectrum and offers guidance and advice on evidence-based management options. Additionally, free trials for a system known as the wireless listening system, which have been determined through the latest research to improve children’s behavior, speech recognition and attentiveness, may also be provided.
Separate booking for autism clinic:
Centre for Auditory neuroscience
This clinic provides diagnosis and management of disorders affecting the auditory nerves and central auditory pathways, including auditory neuropathy and neurodegenerative disease related hearing problems.
Other Services
Wax Management
Contact Us
550 Swanston St
Carlton VIC 3053
Open Hours
Mon - Fri
8:30 am – 4:30 pm