September 13, 2016
The final IPEP event of the year is upon us, so let’s see out the 2016 IPEP calendar with a bang!
Come along at 5:30pm on Tuesday 13th September to celebrate the fun and diversity of IPEP. With so many health disciplines involved, the skills and knowledge of each profession continues to surprise and interest us. So, for this event, students will be presenting wacky things that you may not know about their profession – for example, who knew that contact lenses on the eye may one day be used to monitor the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients?!
In between presentations from students, we’ll be hosting sections of our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Nominations for next year’s committee, including executive positions and roles for Discipline Representatives for each year of each course. So, for those thinking about getting involved with IPEP in 2017, this is the night to come along.
If you have enjoyed our events this year and would like to join a really fun and friendly bunch of students, we'd love you to come along and get involved!

August 16, 2016
IPEP HSN are thrilled to announce the second installment of our 2016 Seminar Series!
**This event is FREE with FREE PIZZA!!**
Interprofessional education and practice is currently huge on the healthcare agenda. With the healthcare environment predicted to shift towards even more of an interdisciplinary approach, it’s never too early to hear from those in the know on how things are looking, how they’re predicted to change, and how students and healthcare professionals of all disciplines will be working together in our shared vision for optimal patient care.
From the Department of Health and Human Services, we are lucky to have a joint presentation from:
• Ms Michelle Kotsis, Manager of the Allied Health Workforce;
• Mr Tony McGillion, A/Manager of the Nursing and Midwifery Workforce; and
• Ms Barbara Whyte, A/Manager of the Medical Workforce.
They will be presenting their thoughts on the changing healthcare environment, and how an interdisciplinary approach can be optimally incorporated into the workplace.
**With graduation coming up for many of you this year, and application deadlines looming, what better time to receive tips on putting all this into practice?!**
Mr McGillion has published papers on Interprofessional Education, specifically regarding the beneficial outcome of interprofessional education between medical and nursing students, great to be able to hear evidence that it works!
Date: Tuesday 16th August
Time: 5:30pm for pizza and drinks, presentation 6-7pm
Location: Theatre 2, Old Geology Building

July 30, 2016
The Interprofessional Education and Practice Health Students' Network (IPEP HSN) are excited to invite you to the Interprofessional Leadership Development Symposium 2016!
We welcome attendance by any student, across all year levels, in healthcare-related disciplines. Note: there are limited tickets per discipline so get in early!
About the conference: The IPEP conference aims to develop interprofessional leadership and awareness.
The conference will feature plenaries on leadership in healthcare and interprofessional practice from both practitioner and patient perspectives. Our speaker biographies will be released weekly so be sure to keep your eyes peeled! This conference also provides an exciting opportunity to compete in a multidisciplinary team-based challenge under our expert panel.
Lunch and afternoon tea are catered.
Social event: The day will be followed by a social event, providing the perfect setting to mingle with future health-care professionals like yourselves.

May 9, 2016
Come along to IPEP's second Skills Workshop’!
The inaugural event was a huge success and a lot of fun; this year's iteration is shaping up to be no different! The IPEP HSN Skills Workshop is an opportunity to be exposed to some of the unique skills that healthcare providers use to deliver their branch of healthcare.
It's also a great opportunity to meet students from other health disciplines while having a bite to eat. We look forward to seeing you there.
During the night you will rotate through 6 stations:
1. Medicine: How to suture
2. Optometry: Direct Ophthalmoscopy
3. Dentistry: How to do a filling
4. Physiotherapy: Balance assessment, falls risk, tests used in athletics population for ACL rehab
5. Audiology: Hearing aides - types, pros and cons
6. Music Therapy: Unhealthy and healthy uses of music

April 5, 2016
Why does a GP need to know what an optometrist does? When would a dentist need to communicate with a radiographer? How would an emergency room doctor get in touch with a physiotherapist? When would a social worker and music therapist become involved?
Following on from the success of the IPEP Seminar series in 2015, come along to IPEP’s first seminar of the year (it’s FREE and food and drinks are provided!) to learn the answers to these questions, and many more, about the WHEN/WHERE/WHY/HOW of communicating with other health providers about our patients.
The evening will feature a panel discussion with current practitioners from a range of disciplines, regarding the characteristics of effective communication and the nuts and bolts of going about it. We know that it’s important to work together effectively, let’s learn how to go about doing so!

March 7, 2016
Are you studying Optometry, but curious to know what's involved in Dietetics? A budding Doctor wanting to know when to refer to Speech Pathology? A future Physiotherapist, interested in what Music Therapy has to offer your prospective patients?
If so, make sure to come along to The Interprofessional Education and Practice Health Students' Network's (a mouthful, we know ... try IPEP's) first event for 2016. The Welcome Event will be a small, intimate event with both students and academic staff in attendance; a sure opportunity to network with staff and students alike, meet others with similar interests, and discover what other events IPEP has planned throughout the year.